
The Canadian Future Fighter Capability Project (FFCP) is set to acquire advanced fighter aircraft to replace the Royal Canadian Air Force’s existing fleet of CF-18 fighters. Including 88 advanced fighter jets, associated equipment, and weapons, training, and sustainment services. Valued at $15 to 19 billion CAD the evaluation of the proposals is ongoing sinceContinue Reading


Drone systems are used ubiquitously by tactical military and paramilitary forces. These extremely cost-effective systems have successfully proliferated from the civilian world, providing operators with unprecedented surveillance capabilities at a fraction of the cost of military systems. However, ruggedness and operation deployment capabilities of these fragile systems, are left wantingContinue Reading


American Robotics, a leading developer of fully-automated commercial drone systems, today became the first company approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to operate automated drones without human operators on-site. The company’s Scout System™ features advanced acoustic Detect-and-Avoid (DAA) technology that enables its drones to maintain a safe distance fromContinue Reading


In a landmark ruling, FAA creates an administrative process for aircraft developers to apply for ad-hoc supersonic flight approval over designated land areas. In consideration of the continuing development of a new generation of supersonic aircraft, the FAA is modernizing the procedure for requesting a special flight authorization to operateContinue Reading